19th Century Stone
in color Mossy Creek
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Handcrafted Stone
in color Pecan
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Handcrafted Stone
in color Shenandoah
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Olde World Stone
in color Hickory
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Olde World Stone
in color Harbor Bluff
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Handcrafted Stone
in color Shenandoah
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Handcrafted Stone
in color Pecan
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Handcrafted Stone
in color Cumberland
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Handcrafted Stone
in color Mossy Creek
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As a standout feature within an eye-catching home exterior, a garage designed with stone veneer is the perfect canvas to showcase your favorite organic stone shades and add expensive, hand-crafted appeal. Whereas garages can be a forgotten element in many home exteriors, eye-catching stone garages provide inherent warmth, soothing color, and natural character. For popular brick homes, using stone for a garage will offer the perfect natural contrast that recalls the skilled work of artisans!
Stone veneer adds more coordinating shades within your home exterior to design with and more potential paint colors for your garage doors. When you need to keep a home exterior brighter for a property that doesn’t receive much natural light, using a light gray stone veneer for your garage is a savvy way to create effortless visual interest and more engagement. Balance your stone veneer garage with your roof color, exterior materials, and overall color palette, and your fashion-forward curb appeal will dazzle guests, neighbors, and prospective buyers alike.

2515 E. 43rd Street
Chattanooga, TN 37407
855.877.5905 fx: 423.629.0502
local: 423.629.0801
email: info@horizon-stone.com

Do not rely upon digital images on this website to assess the exact color of a given product, as calibrations can vary significantly from one display to another. Physical product samples can and should be ordered and viewed under the intended location's lighting conditions to gauge color accuracy and fit for your project.